The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)

The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)

Level 50, ilvl 80


Southern Thanalan (X:25, Y:12)

The Wrath of Qarn

Adventurers fear not danger, scholars care not for comfort, and miners like not unturned stones. Thus was born the unlikely partnership between the Order of Nald'thal and Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, in the wake of a certain adventurer's conquest of the Sunken Temple's notorious traps. But the dead of Qarn left many snares─more than enough for a thousand years of greed─and now, a tomb raider's fevered dream of riches has stranded the joint expedition in a place where history has a tendency to come alive...  


Damaged Adjudicator

During the boss battle, it is important not to directly attack the boss itself, but instead focus on attacking the specific body part that contains the core, which can be identified by a bright, red orb. Once this body part is destroyed, the boss will break apart and additional enemies, known as adds, will appear. It is crucial to eliminate these adds before repeating the process until the boss is defeated. It is also essential to avoid stepping on the sand whirlpools that appear on the ground, as they gradually pull you under the floor, leading to death. Additionally, the boss will occasionally select a random player and generate a sphere of sand, which emits a circular area-of-effect attack. In such situations, it is recommended to move towards the edge of the battlefield to minimize the impact of the attack.

Sabotender Emperatriz

In order to succeed in the fight, it is crucial to eliminate the additional enemies that appear throughout. As the boss's health decreases, she will try to cast a powerful attack called "100,000 needles." This attack can be stopped by inflicting enough damage on her, as it has the potential to deal 100,000 damage to everyone. This pattern will repeat three times, with a Sabotender Guardia appearing on the third and final time. It is important to prioritize killing the Sabotender Guardia as it will cast "Cactguard" on the boss.

Vicegerent to the Warden

In this encounter, it is important to avoid getting hit by the mummies. Each time a mummy touches you, you will gain a stack of the Curse of the Mummy. Once you accumulate four stacks, you will be compelled to run to a corner of the room and undergo Mummification. While in this state, you lose control of your character and aimlessly run around in the center of the boss room for a brief period. It's worth noting that mummified players can also pass on the curse to other players if they come into contact with them. As the fight progresses, the boss will target a non-tank member of the party with a sword strike. Players can avoid this attack by running behind the boss while it is casting. It is recommended for tanks to have their cooldown abilities ready in case the healer becomes mummified. Additionally, when the boss tethers a player, that player will gradually accumulate stacks of the Curse of the Mummy. However, this can be prevented by stunning the boss.
